When the doors fly open and the bride is revealed, my heart lifts with joy. I can’t help thinking of the day when the church will be revealed to all the world as the glorious bride of Christ. Revelation 21:2 describes the scene: “I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.” She begins her march down the aisle as cameras flash, women wipe tears from their eyes, and paying fathers calculate what all this cost (often with tears of their own). With a smile on my face, I wonder if anyone else in the crowd recognizes the spiritual significance of this moment.
I’ve repeated this little mental exercise in personal worship for years—until last week, when I once again found myself standing at a marriage altar. But this time I wasn’t the officiating pastor. I was the groom. When the doors opened, I saw a vision of glory. Yes, the same spiritual significance I’ve rehearsed over the years crossed my mind, but it was drowned out by a louder thought.
This was my bride—radiant, glorious, and beyond description in her beauty. Her dress sang like a thousand voice choir. Her dignity transformed the aisle into a promenade. Her smile enraptured me.
I then had another insight. In that brief and powerful moment, I knew what my Lord Jesus Christ will know. The joy of seeing His bride prepared and ready, eager to be with Him. In that moment a world of sorrows will fall silent. In that moment the grave ceases to claim another prize. In that moment it will be worth it all when the groom sees the bride.
It must have been for this joy set before Him that He endured the passion. The cost was beyond calculation, but this moment proves that it is worth it all. His patient love and enduring grace crowns that moment with unspeakable delight.
And I know in a moment what He will enjoy for all eternity. You cannot forget a moment like that.
Ed Litton
I am very happy for you, Pastor Ed! I wish you and your family nothing but the best of blessings.
Kelli in Grand Bay
Congratulations..so happy that you found happiness and love again. God is good and faithful and your blog over the past two years have been an inspiration to a lot of hurting people.
May God bless you and your new bride!
In both the spiritual symbolism and the earthly significance, what a beautiful picture of life, love, God's faithfulness! We rejoice with you!
You both looked so wonderful in your wedding photos! The Messicks are so excited for your new life together! We love you guys!
Hello Pastor Ed Litton , Greetings from Uganda , Am Pastor Kamya James from Uganda East Africa , am senior Pastor of Set Free Christian Church here in Lugazi Uganda , I thank you so much for the message you have shared on your blog i have learn t allot. am 30 years old but i have not seen any women in my life But am interested in getting married and i have been dating a girl who she is 27 years old and am interested in getting married to her, can you help me and give some more tips on what i should do as a man to be happy when i marry ?
God bless you
any information you can email it me on setfreechurches@gmail.com,facebook my user name Kamya james
or send it on
Set Free Christian Church
P.o Box 314 Lugazi Uganda
East Africa.
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